Sunday, August 22, 2010

Lost & Found at the Fringe Shows the Value of Family and Love

Lost And Found, at the Fringe NYC, burns with some amazing performances that strain at the confines of The Cherry Pit Theater. And, as benefits the story, the set and the space can barely contain the characters.
The story of Lost and Found is a full and engaging; after the death of his father a year ago, Tommy – played by Jon Pollono, moves back into his mother’s house to help her and his adult sister with the bills. This claustrophobic situation is made even more tense by the introduction of Vincent (Jon Krupp), a man Tommy’s mother gave up for adoption before her marriage. A neighbor with a husband in Iraq, the cop boyfriend of the adult sister and the partner of the adopted son add to the cast. A large group which engages the audience and never gets lost.
Tommy’s mother, Eva, is played by Geraldine Librandi and she is exact in her execution. Eva has lived the life of a devoted wife and mother, only to be windowed and challenged for primacy in her own house by her son. She fills her time with cooking and cleaning and is painfully unable to access her own feelings. She finds it easier to relate to the neighbor, Reiko Aylesworth in a stand out role, than the children she raised. She finds it completely impossible to relate to the child she gave up.
Although often funny, this is a drama about the boundaries of love and desire, not just being in love but the effects of love when it is removed, and the redemption possible when you are open to it.
Jon Pollono, who plays Tommy, also wrote this piece. The writing is excellent, but the play is too stuffed with conflict and resolution. The show would benefit greatly from either a little more time, or a little less story. Everyone has a situation and everyone’s situation gets resolved. The show feels just a little hurried to get them all in.
Andrew Block directs and Lost and Found arrives as a fleshed out play. It feels more complete and polished than most FringeNYC pieces and so one holds it to a higher standard. Luckily, it is a standard the show rises to meet.
Lost and Found
Cast: Reiko Aylesworth, Jonathan Bock, Dana Domenick, Joey Gambetta, Jon Krupp, Geraldine Librandi, John Pollono, Casey Predovic
Director: Andrew Block
Fringe NYC: The Cherry Pit
Remaining Shows: 8/23- 10:15, 8/26 – 9:15, 8/27 – 3:00
Rating: Well Worth the Money
What works: Geraldine Librandi’s turn as Eva
What doesn't work: One restroom at intermission (go before you go :-)
What you get to brag about to your friends: Seeing Michelle Dessler from 24 (Reiko Alysworth) and she still looks dynamite - and can act up a storm

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