Wednesday, February 20, 2019

All of the Words, None of the Tension

The Mint Theater Company produces some of the best early 20th century plays ever. They stage lost plays that bring a new sensibility to today’s questions and morals. Usually. The Price of Thomas Scott, the Mint’s latest production, is a disappointment. The show is well-acted, beautifully staged and terribly predictable.

Tracy Swallows, Donald Corren and Emma Geer in The Price of Thomas Scott

The story is told through the eyes of Mr. Scott’s daughter, Annie Scott. She and her brother open the show hoping for a better life, but one they know that they cannot afford. The son, Leonard, has an opportunity for a scholarship, but he cannot afford the other costs of education. Annie longs to go to Paris to study fashion instead of just decorate hats for the puritanical women at home.

Thomas Scott, the father, would love to sell his little shop and move to the country with his wife. All of their prayers seem answered when and old acquaintance, Wicksteed, comes by with a handsome offer for the little shop. The offer is much more than the property is worth as a drapery, where the family works with hats and fabrics. But Wicksteed is purchasing for a concern that has dancing halls, and dancing is very much against Mr. Scott’s religion.

After a bit of give and take, Mr. Scott takes the offer. But he is uneasy. A few scenes later he turns down the offer. And that is the end of the show.

The Price of Thomas Scott is a quick turn, and again the acting is great. Director Jonathan Bank does a great job with the material. But the show doesn’t connect and there is a complete lack of tension. I wish it were different.

The Price of Thomas Scott 
Playwright: Elizabeth Baker | Director: Jonathan Bank | Cast: Donald Corren, Andrew Fallaize, Emma Geer, Josh Goulding, Mitch Greenberg, Nick LaMedica, Jay Russell, Tracy Swallows, Mark Kenneth Smaltz, Ayana Workman, Arielle Yoder

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