Thursday, May 16, 2019

Alice Ripley brings The Pink Unicorn vividly to life

The Pink Unicorn is a one woman show, with Alice Ripley delivering a stunning performance as a young mother of a gender neutral child. Ripley plays Trisha Lee, a single mother in a conservative Texas town, where her child challenges the town’s norms.

The play, written by real Texan Elise Forier Edie, lays out the story of Trisha in a confessional manner. Her child, Jolene, decides she is genderqueer and then plans a Gay Straight Alliance at her high school. This being Texas, a number of roadblocks rise in their path. First the school bans the club, then the school district steps in to ban all clubs. Throughout this, Trisha is forced into an activist role, because it is her child that is being discriminated against.

Alice Ripley in The Pink Unicorn - Jazelle Artistry
The Pink Unicorn is the story not just of a mother defending her child, but also of the growth of Trisha. She confronts her past as her family weighs in on the changes happening. And she confronts her second family, as the controversy roils her church, where friends and acquaintances stake out different positions. The subtly of Ripley’s performance is perfect and measured. She brings the audience along on this roller coaster, prompting laughs, tears and introspection.

Directed by Amy Jones, The Pink Unicorn is played on a tiny stage at The Episcopal Actors’ Guild at a church. The location gives The Pink Unicorn the intimate feel of a share at a small group meeting. Ms. Jones and Ripley use this space to pull an immediacy into the proceedings. It is a wonderful experience. 

The Pink Unicorn
Playwright: Elise Forier Edie | Director: Amy Jones | Cast

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