Avery Pearson as Erman (pictured, left) and Christopher G. Roberts as Isaac Woodard, Jr. (right) in SteppingStone Theatre Company's "Reflections of a Heart," at Theatre Row, June 11-27.
In 1946, Issac Woodard Jr was a cause célèbre, attracting attention from the fledgling NAACP (in the form of Thurogood Marshall), President Truman and a host of entertainers from Lena Horn to Orson Wells. It was one of the first civil rights cases, but it ended badly and has been forgotten by history. By 1951, Issac Woodard Jr. was forgotten, a blind black man trying to make a living for his family by playing the guitar. In Reflections, he is rousted on trumped up charges in New York. The play shifts between the 1951 interrogation and the terrible events of 1946, casting a light back on an event forgotten by most.
While Reflections of a Heart is an important piece of theater, it is not a terribly satisfying play. Quite possibly true but none the less distracting, every white character in Reflections is evil, very evil, sadistically evil or, at best, incompetent. On the other side of the scale, every black character is deferential, kindly, or angelic – and treated with contempt by the white society. There is very little dramatic tension, just a slow expansion of pain and undeserved woe. The playwright, Christopher G. Roberts, attempts to mitigate this by the use of the ghost of one character. The ghost tries to guide the audience with a call to action, but it is only marginally successful in giving Reflections a hopeful message.
While Reflections of a Heart is an important piece of theater, it is not a terribly satisfying play. Quite possibly true but none the less distracting, every white character in Reflections is evil, very evil, sadistically evil or, at best, incompetent. On the other side of the scale, every black character is deferential, kindly, or angelic – and treated with contempt by the white society. There is very little dramatic tension, just a slow expansion of pain and undeserved woe. The playwright, Christopher G. Roberts, attempts to mitigate this by the use of the ghost of one character. The ghost tries to guide the audience with a call to action, but it is only marginally successful in giving Reflections a hopeful message.
Reflections has some beautiful acting, particularly by Chanel Carrol, who plays the wife of Woodard, Rosie. She brings forth a three dimensional character, alternately hopeful, wary and despondent. She accomplishes this even though her character shows up rarely and out of expect timeline sequence, but when Rosie arrives you believe are witnessing an understandable response.
Reflections has some beautiful acting, particularly by Chanel Carrol, who plays the wife of Woodard, Rosie. She brings forth a three dimensional character, alternately hopeful, wary and despondent. She accomplishes this even though her character shows up rarely and out of expect timeline sequence, but when Rosie arrives you believe are witnessing an understandable response.
Christopher G. Roberts, wrote and directed this play. He also plays Isaac Woodard Jr. and he does an excellent job of anchoring the play within his character. As Woodard, the anger, frustration and strength shine through the performance.
Christopher G. Roberts, wrote and directed this play. He also plays Isaac Woodard Jr. and he does an excellent job of anchoring the play within his character. As Woodard, the anger, frustration and strength shine through the performance.
Avery Pearson as a shell shocked mental patient brings a surprising warmth to the role of Erman. As an outsider who clearly doesn’t understand why this is happening, he (along with Rosie) is one of the few characters the audience can relate to. – but both show up too infrequently.
Avery Pearson as a shell shocked mental patient brings a surprising warmth to the role of Erman. As an outsider who clearly doesn’t understand why this is happening, he (along with Rosie) is one of the few characters the audience can relate to. – but both show up too infrequently.
Assuming the 1951 story is true, Reflections of a Heart is so heartbreaking it is a little painful to watch. The audience follows the story of Isaac Woodard, Jr. through his hellish experience, but there is no other side, no hopeful redemption. By all means see this Reflections of a Heart, there is a lot to be admired – but few traces of joy.
Assuming the 1951 story is true, Reflections of a Heart is so heartbreaking it is a little painful to watch. The audience follows the story of Isaac Woodard, Jr. through his hellish experience, but there is no other side, no hopeful redemption. By all means see this Reflections of a Heart, there is a lot to be admired – but few traces of joy.
The Clurman Theatre at Theater Row, June 10 – June 27, 2010
Cast list: Mary Ruth Baggot, Reginald L. Barnes, Gail Merzer Behrens, Chanel Carroll, Mark Ellmore, Gillian Glasco, Kevin Green, Jim Heaphy, Heather Massie, Jonathan Miles, Avery Pearson, Christopher G. Roberts, Robert Spence, David Wirth, and Jerry Zellers
Director: Christopher G. Roberts
Rating: If It Sounds Interesting
What works: The story is engaging
What doesn't work: The story is constantly painful
What you get to brag about to your friends: It is story about a time in our history you didn't know about before.
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